Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Counting Time

I have a funny way of measuring time. I always count it to my benefit. For example: if I were really excited about something, say, the end of teaching this year, two months before it's over I might observe, "It's been 11 weeks since I've returned, and I only have 9 more to go. That's more than half. And that counts the Monday holiday, and finals, which practically takes off two weeks, which means: I'm almost done."

That stream of thinking helped me do it. It's not that I didn't like teaching. On the contrary: I loved it. But I love Booker more, and I didn't see him enough. These days that I have with this little man are blissful, and sweet. And rich. And I don't have to count time like that anymore.


Rocky said...

I hope that your time with that little man is timeless, and that he will stay just as good and pure as he is, always.

I love that you and he spend your days together as you do. I wish I could come play, too.

Thanks for this record. Nice mustaches in the previous post, too.

Lacey said...

Yes! I'm so happy for you to be with your boy.

Ingrid said...

aw jess! tu bebe esta super lindo! his smile in that first picture kills me! love you Herman.A.:)