Sunday, September 13, 2009

1125 1/2 Euclid St. #1, Houston, TX 77009

Out of the unpacked boxes stored in our spare room and our tree-lined, dreadfully sticky neighborhood in Houston comes a brief post. Jessica and I are finally in Houston. She is a student teacher at a high school where she is a fair-skinned minority and the students call her "Miss". The students walk through metal detectors every morning. Some of them spell engineer E-M-G-Y-N-R. Her supervisor looks like Hitler. And she loves it. Absolutely and wholly loves it.
After two or so months of unemployment I found work at a recovery program for adults with mental illness and substance dependence problems. I do group therapy with some of the funniest, however foulest mouth people I have yet to meet. My boss likes money. A lot. Which is making it hard for me to work there and feel good about the quality of services my clients are receiving. More updates to follow as the first major moral dilemma in my life in a long time continues to develop.