Sunday, May 8, 2011


Just posting a few recent photos: At the zoo. Booker wants the ICEE in his mouth. Booker wants everything in his mouth.
Our dear friends who were in for just a brief spell, at the Ft. Worth zoo. That place was very impressive. So much that I didn't feel bad for the animals because of the awesomeness of their man-made habitats. That's saying a lot.

A very impressive display of colors on the INSIDE of the cake I made for a friend's baby shower. I clearly sacrificed function for form in this case: sometimes aesthetics win.

The boys: my dear, sweet, sleeping boys.

And Booker. I love this babe. And very soon I will bid farewell to my time-sucking job as a teacher to spend more time wrestling and saying ridiculous things to this little fatso. I am thrilled.

1 comment:

Anne said...

That cake is amazing! I want a slice right now. I love these photos and I miss you guys!