Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pre-diaper changing rundown (this father's perspective)

1) Sell it. If he thinks you're enjoying it he will too.
2) Don't sell it too much. Excessive joy seems to make him need to go more.
3) Be fast you fool. Just because he went doesn't mean he won't go again. Soon.
4) His body is entirely capable of going pee then poop, poop then pee, both simultaneously, and any number of unimaginable combination (see #3).
5) Bundle the old diaper after the new one is on. It can wait. His can't.
6) Even though the old one can wait, at least get it out of his reach. Remember, now he can grab and chew.
7) Watch for the kicks. Changing him on the bed puts his legs level with your pelvis and you've talked about having more kids.
8) Do not be shocked and distracted by color, quantity, or smell. You lived in the dorms, you've seen worse.
9) Breathe through your mouth.


Gordon said...

As he gets older, it turns into a wrestling match that starts out as a race!

Kathleen said...

hi-larious, heed! and i couldn't have written it better myself! your little guy is just so stinkin' cute!!! (and, yes, stinkin' is used as a bit of a pun.)