Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Some funny things about big, round bellies

Sitting with Josh in my midwives' office today, waiting for my turn to hand over SIX vials of blood, we perused the "Buyer's Guide" for Pregnancy and Newborn: like Skymall, only slightly more pornographic. And for moms. I stand in awe at the products available to expecting mothers. See for yourself:

Amazing, all the activities a nursing mother can do while providing sustenance for her child.

A bronze cast of the belly, perfectly tuned to the lovely chime of a bell. You can listen on their website.

"To prevent cleavage wrinkles." That's how they advertise.

Just a few ideas for all you expecting fathers, and mothers...and baby-shower-gift buyers.

As a side note, here is another very strange thing:

Wouldn't that belly be lovely cast in bronze? Ding!